Dear visitor,

As long time family friends, our Richin team was raised close to one another. Over time, we began to develop the same moral philosophies that would guide how we decided to make use of our time to help out others. From building houses through the Habitat for Humanity Foundation, to fundraising for the H.E.L.P. Foundation, we became more focused on philanthropic efforts. We all knew that at some point in our lives, we wanted to develop an initiative that would reflect both the values our parents had instilled in us, as well as the causes that resemble our ideologies.
One summer afternoon, as our families gathered for lunch, we started a discussion about how we wanted to further our work. We thought of ways to use our interests and passions to raise money. We found that all three of us enjoyed experimenting in the kitchen, so we decided to use that hobby to raise funds. Coming from a South Indian background, we wanted to stay connected to our culture as well, which is what led us to produce traditional South Indian food. 
After thinking over what common goal we would settle on, we came to an agreement to raise funds for student education in disadvantaged regions. We chose to help underprivileged youths because education provides an advantage for one to open the doors of opportunity. Our hope is to enable these individuals to make an uplifting impact on the world. If Richin can make even a small difference in these lives, then we will have succeeded in our mission. 
Keep in mind that even a small donation can go a long way, and we would appreciate any help or donations we receive. We encourage all visitors to help out in any way they can, by donating to our cause or even sharing our story to their families and friends. You can donate to our cause using the button located at the top of the website, and feel free to reach out to use with any questions, comments, or suggestions! All of the funds that are donated will be placed into our official non-profit bank account, where they will be donated to our sponsees. Thank you for visiting our website, and we appreciate your support for our organization!

Rishi Gummella,
Chinmay Korapati,
Sahiti Koganti

Chinmay Korapati

Co-Founder & Vice President

Rishi Gummella

Co-Founder & President

Sahiti Koganti 

Head of Marketing and Public Relations


Our Mission is to make a small difference in at least one deserving student's life, by providing the necessary tools to uplift the lids from their prevailing circumstances

Our Vision is to extend that difference we could make to as many students and individuals as possible across the world


Combining Passions

At Richin, mixing the elements of entrepreneurship and an interest in cultural cuisine is an integral value. By doing so, we hope to help our sponsee get the education and resources they deserve.

Empowering Communities

We believe that providing the necessary funding for a proper education helps disenfranchised demographics attain a better standard of living. We are striving to create the opportunities that students and others may not have been offered.